Join us on Friday, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. for an in-store reading/event by D.I.Y. MAGIC author Anthony Alvarado!
You’re not going to want to miss this.
D.I.Y. MAGIC is not so much a how-to magic book in the traditional pulling rabbits out of a hat sense, but more a guide to exploring and pushing the boundaries of ones internal/external perception of reality. The book teaches techniques on lucid dreaming, building tarot decks, going on vision quests, creating memory palaces, and getting lost in a familiar city. Anthony Alvarado provides readers with a collection of techniques for accessing deeper levels of creative thought—for hacking into their subconscious. From Salvador Dali’s spoon technique and ornithomancy (divination by crows), to bibliomancy and using (legal) stimulants, the exercises in this book will help anyone chasing the muse—from artists and musicians, to writers and more—as they tug at the strings of everyday reality and tap into the magic of their own minds. It’s a truly excellent publication, and if that wasn’t enough it’s got illustrations from 30 of todays best contemporary artists including: Aidan Koch, Kevin Hooyman, Ron Rege Jr., Edie Fake, and Luke Ramsey
Be there or be square!
(Anthony has rumored that there will be home-made beer samples)